Online Training Courses Ergocampus

Ergonomics training in all its forms, given by ergonomics experts
Are you considering online learning to teach your employees about ergonomics? Dealing with Vincent Ergonomie experts will make all the difference!
Our ergonomists were trained to specifically handle development of asynchronous training content. From the definition of learning objectives to the writing of the storyboard, Vincent Ergonomie can develop your personalized online course and host it on his online learning platform No matter the subject (office ergonomics, manual load handling, industrial ergonomics, etc.) of the project scope, we can help you!

Success stories, no matter the challenge!
Vincent Ergonomie offers training courses in ergonomics for over 15 years. Our first asynchronous courses have been developed long before the pandemic! You will see the quality of the training courses by consulting our asynchronous training courses about office ergonomics and ergonomics in library. We have the experience to help you in the development of your asynchronous training course.

An online platform made in Quebec.
Vincent Ergonomie acquired an online platform to offer turnkey solution to his clients. allows to host and manage easily and efficiently online training courses. The platform offers the possibility to follow and control the progression of learners. Our platform offers the possibility to progressively unblock content as the learners successfully complete validation questions. Contact us to learn more about all the possibilities of our online learning platform
Here is a sample of our training courses
Office Ergonomics – Employee (in French)

Most of the jobs include working at a computer. Most of them are office jobs, but some of them are also more physical occupations. Workers are sitting down in front of a computer longer than before. Fixed and awkward body positions are one of the most significant risks factors in ergonomics.
Unfortunately, very few employees make good use of all the settings and adjustments of their chair or the possibilities of their work station. It is essential to implement some ergonomics principles as well as adjusting the components of your workstation to countermeasure fatigue.
Duration: 20 minutes
Ergonomics for Library Environment – Employee (in French)

The training course ‘Ergonomics for library environment – employee’ was developed by a team of professional ergonomists to help you to implement all ergonomics recommendations and to relieve musculoskeletal discomforts associated to the work and tasks related to working in a library. This training courses relies on the best practices and recommendations of ergonomics in library.
This training course can be always viewed and lasts 23 minutes. A special attention should be given to the portion about the best practices and recommendations in ergonomics to benefit daily health and efficiency.
Contrary to popular belief, most occupations in a library are very physical. To make documents available on shelf display to public, the library personal need to accomplish numerous efforts:
- Manual handling of documents boxes when bought documents are delivered to the library
- Required manual handling of each document for documentary processing and material preparation
- And finally shelf filing.
All those movements and efforts expose the library employees to ergonomics risks factors and to the risk of developing a musculoskeletal disorder. To counter muscular fatigue, it is essential to implement certain ergonomics principles.
Duration: 23 minutes
Personalized training courses on
You can also contact us to develop your own online training course about office ergonomics (hybrid mode, dynamic space, remote working and activities-oriented approach), design space, manual load handling, industrial ergonomics, disability case and return-to-work or vehicular ergonomics.