Ergonomics interventions

When do you need to call an ergonomist?

Photo de Olya Kobruseva de Pexels

The solution is to proceed with an ergonomic assessment when we want to identify what is causing ergonomic risks factors and musculoskeletal disorders/problems. These interventions can also improve efficiency and productivity of a given work position. The ergonomic assessment is the ergonomist’s work tool to further understand the work situation and improve it. Some assessments are brief and correct problems by adjusting the workstation, while others are more complex and required a broader ergonomic assessment as well as the development of customized solutions. In all cases, the ergonomist needs to establish a diagnosis before offering any recommendations. Our interventions can address various areas as office ergonomics, manual load handling, office planning and design, industrial ergonomics, disability and return to work, and vehicle ergonomics.

Our interventions may take place before problems occur (primary prevention), following the development of new symptoms or a musculoskeletal injury (secondary prevention), or during the transition back to work to prevent potential relapse by the injured employee (tertiary prevention).

All our ergonomic assessments are performed to answer your objectives and to apply best working practices in ergonomics. The ergonomic approach we adopt is user-centered and based on a complete knowledge of job activities. This knowledge is developed over the contact with the different parties of the organisation, employees and workers’ and employers’ representatives.

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Clients have contacted us for many reasons:

Some received a medical note from employees (prescription for an ergonomic assessment or mentioning an ergonomic solution)

Others received complaints from employees who suffer symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders

Clients received spontaneous requests from employees for new work equipment

Some entrepreneurs wanted to improve ergonomics in their work environment but did not know where to start.

Some clients received a notice of correction from the CNESST and therefore had to comply with the CNESST request, as to identify and control ergonomic risks of their business.

Many wanted to improve their workspaces and wanted to be guided by a professional.

Some clients wanted to develop training courses in ergonomics.

Other clients wanted to rally their employees by engaging in a participatory ergonomic approach.


Please do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation regarding the best strategy to undertake for your organization!

Please do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation regarding the best strategy to undertake for your organization! Contact us!